Sunday, September 12, 2010

Glass Houses and a FULL Heart

Romans 5:8 (The Message) "6-8Christ arrives right on time to make this happen. He didn't, and doesn't, wait for us to get ready. He presented himself for this sacrificial death when we were far too weak and rebellious to do anything to get ourselves ready. And even if we hadn't been so weak, we wouldn't have known what to do anyway. We can understand someone dying for a person worth dying for, and we can understand how someone good and noble could inspire us to selfless sacrifice. But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him."

I am not only a word girl, I'm a theme girl, patterns, themes, threads, and the like. It's how God speaks to me and teaches me. I am sure I'm not unique in that. Our church family has had a series of messages lately born out of real life experiences living out God's word, in lives of our Pastors and in our congregation.

Through it all, a whisper in our ears is shouting "Love them, love them, love them, like I have loved you! Don't give up, don't be turned off, don't walk away, don't shut the door, don't hang up. have I ever walked away from you? Have I ever turned away from YOU?"

After reading Pam's Face Book post today, and hearing the pastor's message and news today in my home church, I am thrilled to see the Holy Spirit (of course) leading those who are willing to be led all over our country (and I am sure the world as well, it's just the right now, our own country gives me enough to pray about! :) to be willing to engage the messy, the difficult, the unpredictable, the unlovely, the untamed-never gonna be tamed.

Before you say, "Awww, that is good. Jesus loves - so should we." Well yes, true enough. And in theory that is wonderful and pretty. But, in practice - it is messy! People are quirky. I know I am, and I LOVE my family dearly, but each member is quirky, too. And though we all love Jesus in my immediate family, into every life a little mess will come from time to time. Never doubt it!

Jesus' ministry had it's messes
, and it certainly was through no fault of His. His family seemed to struggle with their perception of him, having grown up with Him. His disciples, good as they were, jockeyed for position. Judas betrayed Him, and stole from the ministry. His closest ones let Him down in His darkest hour.

Recently the Lord put something in our Pastor's heart
, that for the people and the churches who would, there would be great opportunities to reach people. People who are in all different stages, unchurched and unsaved, backslid, offended, this world that is ....whooooweeee...under some serious birth pains, people who ARE thirsty for the Living Waters, ARE hungry for the Bread of Life...need to be able to find people who live in glass houses, just like them. They live in glass houses, and they KNOW they live in glass houses and wouldn't throw a stone for anything (or at least it is their heart's desire to not throw stones and they would quickly repent should they stumble). People who not only are aware they are fallen and redeemed Christians, with no claim to fame, except that Christ died and rose again for them and saved them from themselves, and filled their heart's with love. Love that makes them humble (not smug) and not willing that any should perish, for lack of having the opportunity to meet people filled with Christ. If they can't find that in the church - I ask you, where will they go?

In a world that is shaking,
can people find some other people who are are grounded in Christ? In a world that is obsessed with fame and superficial relationships, can people find some other people who care what The Lord thinks, much, much more than what man thinks. People who actually, actually listen to the answer of the question "How are you?" and don't try to instantly "fix" them, rather they LISTEN to them, love them and do not serve them platitudes. Sometimes a kind listening heart and a hug and a smile does a heart good!

People who won't whisper, won't roll their eyes. People who at least will be sorry when they do, and say so, and then try, try again to let God's love flow through them to others!

Mercy is messy. Success isn't sanitary. But it IS worth it ALL!

Thanks for letting me share some of my thoughts with you all. I pray your week brings you words from our King! Strength to keep on! Love to overcome and endure! and MUCH Joy!

1 John 3:2-3 "Beloved, we are [even here and] now God's children; it is not yet disclosed (made clear) what we shall be [hereafter], but we know that when He comes and is manifested, we shall [as God's children] resemble and be like Him, for we shall see Him just as He [really] is. And everyone who has this hope [resting] on Him cleanses (purifies) himself just as He is pure (chaste, undefiled, guiltless).

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Listening, Loving, Believing

I LOVE Photobucket! I'm at a place where I have to choose my words carefully. But, feel the prompting, the nudging, to put my thoughts here today. This picture is titled Solitude. To me it shows the warmth of The Father's glowing, golden love and light for us...coupled with the sometimes occurring lowering, heavy dark clouds. You are not sure if it's your sunny day or not. But, you know He is with you in any event. You can't see much of, or far into, the horizon, But this one thing you hold onto, the horizon may look hidden from you, but, His light, His love, is warmer and more powerful, and reaches further and is positioned BEYOND the horizon and reaches PAST it, and BEYOND you. You are surrounded by His love and His good plans for your life. Like Frodo and Sam, you must keep putting one foot in front of the other, moving forward. Listen to His softly spoken words. Love Him, Thank Him, BELIEVE. Believe that though the way may not be clear, left foot, right foot will get you there, as you trust in His work to be completed in your life.

I am thankful for Photobucket, for the power His warm and golden love in us and for us, for the knowledge and the FACT that though the horizon may be dim and hidden, His loving light knows it and is positioned to illuminate it, at just the proper time! I am thankful for blogging and how writing heals me, strengthens me and begins to cause the horizon to lighten, as it seems to draw some of that golden light through the horizon and to me. I am thankful that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. I'm thankful for Grace Alone, where you may go to find many more thanks to comfort you and provide light for your path, or you can add some of your own!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Job's Wife

"Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die." Off the top of my head, four of the most despicable people in the Bible are (in no particular order): Cane, Jezebel, Judas, and Job's wife.

I had a thought today, I thought to myself that Job's wife was very likely in peri-menopause, that lovely stage of life where you don't suffer fools easily, are prone to take no prisoners, and realize that time is running out. It'd be a bad time, real bad time to have all heck break loose in your life. I'm not going to offer science or deep truths here. Just the facts as I know we experience this season of life, it is important to know ourselves, our limitations and weaknesses and submit them to God and His leadership of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 12) If regular sleep helps, do it. If fresh air helps do it. Healthier eating helps, do that too, exercise in all it's varied forms, from gardening to the tred mill, don't overlook what can help keep you grounded and on the right track. Prayer is a given. The Word is a given. Quiet time - given. Fellowship with other believers - you got it, a given.

For me all those things I have learned about myself, and I recognized over this weekend I was at the 4-7 day span of time that for me occurs every 23-24 days, where I DISlike people, Face Book, people, and The Big W! (Yep, I mentioned people twice, it's worth repeating!)

Today as I left The Big W, and tried to navigate the ridiculous obstacle course of places where vehicles are to stop for other cars and pedestrians, I realized I would rather go hungry than EEEVVVEERRR go back to The Big W, yet, I also know, that I will most likely be back there in just a few short days.

Know yourself, KNOW Your Lord! Hold on! Breathe, Seasons pass! Until then pray, give thanks, chew the Word, eat your chocolate, and smell the sunshine!
